Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Horror 2020 Countdown: Halloween: Resurrection (2002)

 Halloween: Resurrection (2002) dir. Rick Rosenthal, Dimension Films/Nightfall Productions/Trancas International Films 

Halloween: H20 may not have been the best in the series, but it did give an ending. Laurie Strobe (Jamie Lee Curtis) finally had her showdown with her brother Michael Myers and cut his head off. Seemed a pretty definitive way to finish a character, right?

Turns out, no. Yeah, somehow Michael (Brad Loree) swapped clothes with an EMT and escaped. He also crushed the guy's throat so he couldn't talk, thus Laurie decapitated an innocent man and has been in a mental hospital ever since.

She's been there for three years. It's Halloween again and she's been waiting. She's got her traps, shanks, and everything else. Good thing too, as Michael drops in to pay his little sister a visit. She lures him to the roof, but it seems Ms. Curtis was only available for a few days of shooting so she dies. 

Some time later, a group of college students are competing on the hottest reality show, Dangertainment! The show directors, Freddie (Busta Rhymes) and Nora (Tyra Banks) tell the kids they have to spend the night in the Myers home. 

Well, if there's one thing Michael hates more than family it's reality TV. He takes out of the crew member dressed as him and proceeds to stalk and slash while the producers are starting to realize the horror is real...

Wow; prologue aside this has nothing to do with the Halloween series, they kill off Laurie, and Michael gets the crap beat out of him by a reality TV producer. Would kicking John Carpenter been too expensive? So bad they decided to let Rob Zombie tackle the next one.

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