Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Aroma of Troma: Surf Nazis Must Die (1987)

Surf Nazis Must Die (1987), dir. Peter George, Troma Entertainment/the Institute 

Somewhat odd, as half the sources I've checked swear this film was only distributed by Troma, where the other half swears they made it, so I decided to include it anyway, because with a title like this it must be great, right?

The Big One has finally hit the west coast, and California is a scattered collections of anarchy and madness. One particular section is under the control of the Fuehrer of the New Beach, Adolf (Barry Brenner).

This isn't a huge concern to Leory (Robert Harden). He's a got a good job, a family, and everything is looking up. Stepping in to stop the Surf Nazis from committing a crime gets him shot dead though. His mama (Gail Neely), won't take this down sitting down.

She gets some guns, a car, and decides that any fool wearing a swastika is going to die. 

Well, the title is accurate. The performances are broad and over the top, but not enough to overcome the weakness of everything else. 


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